

Short guide to using Relion (compiled with GNU tools)

Connect to the server using:

ssh -X (with linux)


mobaXterm o Remote Desktop (with windows)

Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

[user@ui03 ~]$ newgrp <GROUP>
newgrp: group '<GROUP>'

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 ~]$ cd $GROUP

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 <GROUP>]$ cd $USER

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 <USER>]$ mkdir -p relion/test

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 <USER>]$ cd relion/test

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 test]$ module load gnu8 openmpi3 relion

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 test]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) gnu8/8.3.0         3) ucx/1.14.0       5) ctffind/4.1.13   7) chimera/1.14   9) relion/4.0.1-cpu
  2) libfabric/1.13.1   4) openmpi3/3.1.6   6) resmap/1.1.4     8) topaz/0.2.5
(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 test]$ echo $RELION_QSUB_TEMPLATE

(<GROUP>)[user@ui03 test]$ relion

We assume that the directory


contains an example case to test how Relion works.

Replace <GROUP> with the name of your group and <USER> with the name of your user.

The file


is the script to submit the job to the SLURM queue manager.

GPU processing

If you intend to launch a processing that uses the GPU acceleration, in


Use GPU acceleration?Yes
Which GPUs to use:$GPUID

Set the various parameters in

In particular:

Submit to queue? Yes
Queue name: gpu
Queue submit command: sbatch
Total run time: D-HH:MM:SS (estimated)
Charge resources used to: <account>
Real memory required per node: <quantity>G (estimated)
Generic consumable resources: gpu:<type of gpu>:<quantity per node> (from 1 to 6)
Additional (extra5) SBATCH directives: –nodes=<number of nodes> (optional)
Additional (extra6) SBATCH directives: –ntastks-per-node=<number of tasks per node> (optional)
Additional (extra7) SBATCH directives: –reservation=<reservation name> (optional)'
Standard submission script: /hpc/share/applications/gnu8/openmpi3/relion/4.0.1/gpu/bin/
Current job: <job name>
Additional argumets: <options to add to the command that will be execute> (optional)

Submit the job with "Run!".

In the terminal window the following message appears:

Submitted batch job <SLURM_JOB_ID>

Check the status of the queues with in command (to be launched in a second terminal window):

hpc-squeue -u $USER

Cancel the job with "Delete":

Cancel the job in the queue (Relion does not do this automatically):

scancel <SLURM_JOB_ID>

Submit to the gpu_guest partition

To submit the job to the gpu_guest partition:

Queue name: gpu_guest
Standard submission script: /hpc/share/applications/gnu8/openmpi3/relion/4.0.1/gpu/bin/

CPU processing

Submit to cpu partition
Some commands launched by Relion supports CPU acceleration. CPU acceleration is activated automatically.

If you intend to launch a processing that uses the CPU, in


Use GPU acceleration?No

Set the various parameters in

In particular:

Submit to queue? Yes
Queue name: cpu
Queue submit command: sbatch
Total run time: D-HH:MM:SS (estimated)
Charge resources used to: <account>
Real memory required per node: <quantity>G (estimated)
Generic consumable resources:
Additional (extra5) SBATCH directives: –nodes=<number of nodes> (optional)
Additional (extra6) SBATCH directives: –ntastks-per-node=<number of tasks per node> (optional)
Additional (extra7) SBATCH directives: –reservation=<reservation name> (optional)
Standard submission script: /hpc/share/applications/gnu8/openmpi3/relion/4.0.1/cpu/bin/
Current job: <job name>
Additional argumets: <options to add to the command that will be execute> (optional)

Submit the job with "Run!".

In the terminal window the following message appears:

Submitted batch job <SLURM_JOB_ID>

Check the status of the queues with in command (to be launched in a second terminal window):

hpc-squeue -u $USER

Cancel the job with "Delete":

Cancel the job in the queue (Relion does not do this automatically):

scancel <SLURM_JOB_ID>

Submit to knl partition

To submit the work on the 'knl partition:

Queue name: knl
Standard submission script: /hpc/share/applications/gnu8/openmpi3/relion/4.0.1/knl/bin/
The choice of parameters

The number of CPUs required is equal to the product of Number of MPI processors and Number of threads.

The following limitations must be respected otherwise the job sent in execution will remain in the queue indefinitely:

Partition Number of CPUs Number of GPUs
gpu >= 1 1-6
gpu_guest >= 1 1-2
cpu >= 2 0
knl >= 2 0

The number of allocated nodes depends on the number of CPUs required, the number of CPUs per node (depending on the type of node), the availability of free or partially occupied nodes.

The number of nodes can be specified using the SBATCH directive


The number of tasks per node can be specified using the SBATCH directive


For more information on the SBATCH directives (to be launched in a second terminal window):

man sbatch

To know efficiency in the use of the required resources (to be launched after the end of the job in a second terminal window):


The use of MOTIONCOR2 with Relion


RELION/Motion correction/Motion


Use RELION's own implementation?No
MOTIONCOR2 executable:"$RELION_MOTIONCOR2_EXECUTABLE" or "$(which MotionCor2)"
Which GPUs to use:$GPUID

When SLURM starts the job submitted with "Run!" in the "Running" tab, the "Standard submission script" loads the "relion" module which defines the environment variable RELION_MOTIONCOR2_EXECUTABLE.

Multiple MotionCor2 processes should not share a GPU; otherwise, it can lead to crash or broken outputs (e.g. black images). The Number of MPI processors must match the Number of GPUs.
The use of CTFFIND-4.1 with Relion


RELION/CTF estimation/CTFFIND-4.1


Use CTFFIND-4.1?Yes
CTFFIND-4.1 executable:"$RELION_CTFFIND_EXECUTABLE" or "$(which ctffind)"

When SLURM starts the job submitted with "Run!" in the "Running" tab, the "Standard submission script" loads the "relion" module which defines the environment variable RELION_CTFFIND_EXECUTABLE.

The use of Gctf with Relion


RELION/CTF estimation/Gctf


Use Gctf instead?Yes
Gctf executable:"$RELION_GCTF_EXECUTABLE" or "$(which Gctf)"
Which GPUs to use:$GPUID

When SLURM starts the job submitted with "Run!" in the "Running" tab, the "Standard submission script" loads the "relion" module which defines the environment variable RELION_GCTF_EXECUTABLE.

The use of ResMap with Relion


RELION/Local resolution/ResMap


Use ResMap? Yes
ResMap executable: "$RELION_RESMAP_EXECUTABLE" or "$(which ResMap)"

When SLURM starts the job submitted with "Run!" in the "Running" tab, the "Standard submission script" loads the "relion" module which defines the environment variable RELION_RESMAP_EXECUTABLE.


ResMap can be used independently by Relion.

CPU version 1.1.4:

module load resmap

ResMap-Latest supports the use of NVIDIA GPUs.

GPU version 1.95 (requires CUDA 8.0):

module load cuda/8.0 resmap

GPU version 1.95 (requires CUDA 9.0):

module load cuda/9.0 resmap


UCSF Chimera can be used independently by Relion, in combination with ResMap and alone.

module load chimera