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Graphical User Interface

This page shows how to connect to the server using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

Microsoft Windows 10 (client)

Install the FortiClient VPN.

Activate the VPN connection:

VPN connection activated:

Connect to the server:

Insert username and password:

Here is the GNOME Desktop with a solid color background:

Press the right button and select "Open Terminal":

To disconnect from the "Remote Desktop", press the shutdown button (top right) then on the username and finally on "Log Out":

Confirm with "Log Out":

Linux (client)

Install the FortiClient VPN.

Install an X11 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client like xfreerdp which is part of the FreeRDP project.

Activate the VPN connection.

Connect to the server:

xfreerdp \
/u:<username> \
/size:1440x900 \
/ \
/port:3389 \
/clipboard \
/gdi:hw \
/bpp:24 \
/fonts \
Replace <username> with your username.
Customize the /size option argument or use /f (fullscreen mode).

MacOS (client)

Install the FortiClient VPN.

Install one of the following remote desktop clients

to connect to the server.

X11 forwarding

Press the right button and select "Open Terminal".

Optionally, set the Italian keyboard layout using the X Keyboard Extension:

setxkbmap it

Enable X11 forwarding within a Remote Desktop session:

ssh -X localhost

For testing purposes start the graphical program xeyes:

srun --partition=vrt --qos=vrt --time=0-00:30:00 --x11 --pty xeyes


srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=16G \
     --partition=cpu --qos=cpu --time=0-00:30:00 --x11 --pty bash -c 'module load matlab && matlab'
calcoloscientifico/userguide/gui.1696952392.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 10/10/2023 17:39 da fabio.spataro

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