

VTune is a performance profiler from Intel and is available on the HPC cluster.

General information of Intel :

The VTUne commands have prefix amplxe- *. The most important are:

Profiling steps:


To collect profiling data, run the executable via amplxe-cl, specifying an action between the following:

The action necessary to collect data about performance is collect. This action requires an option to specify the type of analysis, including:

Command example:

amplxe-cl -collect hotspots -result-dir <dirname>  home/test/myApplication

Result analysis

The off-line analysis of the collected data can be done in a graphical way with amplxe-gui:

 amplxe-gui <dirname>


Connect to and perform an interactive job; eg:

 srun -N1 -n68 -p knl --account=<account name>
 > module load intel # (include vtune too)
 > amplxe-cl -collect hotspots -result-dir <dirname>  home/test/myApplication
 > exit

It is preferable to launch on the University HPC cluster amplxe-gui from

module load intel 
amplxe-gui  <dirname>


On Marconi you can 'submit an interactive session, in which to perform both the collect and the data analysis (amplxe-gui does not work on the login machine), such as:

srun -N1 -n68 -t 00:30:00  -A <account name> -p knl --pty bash

> module load intel vtune
> amplxe-cl  -collect hpc-performance -result-dir myresults bin/myexe <options>
> amplxe-gui  myresults
> exit

Debug Info

To include debugging information in the results (for example the source code) you need to fill in with the option
